

Hydrogen Disulfide Chemical Scavengers PRZ-SBM, SMN-SBM, JS-SBM

ToR 5711-012-56864391-2009 / ÒÓ 5711-024-56864391-2009 / ÒÓ 2123-004-56864391-2009

Hydrogen disulfide chemical scavengers are added to drilling fluids when the hydrogen sulfide content in gas reaches 50% or the oil fluid saturation reaches 5000 mg/l. These scavengers are compatible with all types of drilling fluids and actively interact with H2S in these fluids to form insoluble compounds and prevent the release of free H2S. PRZ-SBM, with a density of 3.1–3.2 g/cm3, has a strong absorbing capacity and shows strong Í2S absorption dynamics. SMN-SBM, with a density of 3.5–3.7 g/cm3, has a strong absorbing capacity and high initial rate of absorbing Í2S. JS-SBM, with a density of up to 4.8–4.9 g/cm3, has a strong absorbing capacity and moderate Í2S absorption dynamics.


Product specs

The scavengers are produced as water- and oil-insoluble light brown-to-dark fine-grained powders.



Chemical scavengers do not affect the main specs of drilling fluids, can be used as weighting materials, and react with Í2S to form insoluble sulfides or elemental sulfur (depending on ðÍ). Thus the highly toxic gas is made inert. PRZ-SBM and SMN-SBM are used in low-weighted solutions. JS-SBM is efficient in making heavy killing fluids for eliminating Í2S emissions. PRZ-SBM is used with success in the Ural region and West Siberia. JS-SBM is used with success in the Astrakhan oblast’. SMN-SBM is used with success in West Siberia.



The amount of scavenger for use is found proceeding from the expected concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the reservoir fluid and drilling fluid.



Hydrogen sulfide chemical scavengers are packaged in special-purpose 1 m3 disposable big bags.