
Quality Management Policy

The principal goal of our company is to produce competitive chemical reactants and composites for drilling, completing, and developing oil and gas wells and for their workover as well as for replacing imported reactants with domestic materials of the same or even better quality.

Our main principles of partnership include analyzing and delivering on consumer anticipations and demands, developing and promoting new competitive products and technologies for their use, maintaining professional and environmental safety in production procedures and final products, using individual customer approaches, and following legal and mandatory requirements to our production. Our senior corporate managers constantly improve internal corporate relations as well as planning, development, production, testing, and delivery procedures, they are leaders in ensuring steadily high quality of products, business and managerial processes.

Each of our employees – from Director General to an ordinary worker – is responsible for the quality of their work, product quality, and efficient use of all kinds of resources.

A reliable supplier provides firm guarantees for its parts and materials. Our supplier relationships are based on mutual respect and benefit and quality management system improvements.

Professional integrity of each employee is the mandatory condition for making high-quality products and production improvements. We value the expertise and experience of our staff, are interested in attracting young specialists, and form conditions for comprehensive professional training and realizing staff creativity potential.

The high quality and competitiveness of our products and zero risks for consumers are ensured by using an efficient system of quality management based on systemic and process-oriented approaches and meeting the principles and requirements of ISO 9000.

The senior managers of NPO "Polycell" JSC undertake the following commitments:

  • provide necessary conditions for the operation of the quality management system, assign for these purposes respective financial and other funds, and ensure their efficient use;

  • organize periodical feasibility analyses of the quality management system so as to ensure its permanent business adequacy and efficiency, taking into account long-term customer interests;

  • remunerate corporate employees for their contribution in making high-quality products and maintaining and improving the quality management system;

  • retain the highest possible number of skilled employees;

  • ensure consistently high product quality and priority for solving quality management tasks.

The senior managers of NPO "Polycell" JSC take charge of fulfilling target tasks and quality management policies and urge every other employee to contribute to their realization.