

Polyoilcheck Filter Fluid Loss Reducer

ToR 2458-072-97457491-2012

Polyoilcheck filter is a composition of an HMW synthetic polymer and natural organic materials.


Product specs

  Polyoilcheck Filter Polyoilcheck Filter GS Polyoilcheck Filter ASF
Physical form Physical form Black oily liquid Brown-to-black powder
Density at 20°Ñ, kg/m3 800-1000 850-1050 Not rated
Bulk density, kg/m3 Not rated ≥ 300



A small amount of the fluid loss reducer allows creating a fine and elastic filter cake and reducing the fluid loss indicator to minimal levels. Polyoilcheck Filter is used for controlling the fluid loss value of emulsion solutions, including when used in well contruction at elevated BHT. Polyoilcheck Filter GS differs from Polyoilcheck Filter for the former contains natural organic materials that favor an additional shrinking in the filtrate’s volume and form a finer and stronger filter cake. Polyoilcheck Filter ASF is a finely dispersed solid hydrocarbon material (bright brittle arkosite) well compatible with mineral oils. The reagent efficient reduces the fluid loss value in hydrocarbon fluids.



The recommended content ranges from 2.5 to 17 kg/m3.



The product is supplied in 200-l metal barrels or 25-kg polypropylene bags with a polyethylene liner.